Connection Manager

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DLL Plugin Specifications version 0.2

CnxManager accepts plugin to provide additional action types. These types will be shown in the 'Add an action' list and will be available to the user.
For these plugins to be found and used, they must  respect the following specifications. Please refer to the History section for the list of changes since the first version of these specifications.


General requirements

Compulsory functions

  1. void Initialize(HWND applicationHandle, int pluginId, ActionCallback callback)
    typedef _stdcall void (* ActionCallback)(int pluginId, int actionId);
  2. This function initializes the plugin and WILL be the first to be called after the DLL is loaded into the main program. You SHOULD use the given handle to keep track of the main application handle. The main application passes you a plugin Id which you MUST keep track of in order to give it when you use callback functions.
    When this function is called, the callback parameter points to a function the plugin MUST call when its active state has changed as the result of an internal decision. It MUST NOT be called as the result of a call to SetActionActive(). The pluginId parameter MUST be the pluginId passed to the DLL when this function was called. The actionId parameter MUST be the Id of the action which state has changed.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  3. WORD GetSpecVersion()
  4. This function returns a WORD (2 bytes) containing the number of the version of these specifications used when the plugin was developed. The high order byte contains the major number and the low order byte contains the minor number. Hence for version 0.2, this function MUST return 2 (0*256+2)
    Introduced in version 0.1

  5. void GetTitle(char * title)
  6. This function returns the title of the plugin. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters including the terminating NULL character.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  7. void GetDescription(char * description)
  8. This function returns a description of the plugin. The string MUST NOT be longer than 65535 charactes including the terminating NULL character. This SHOULD be the place where you put your acknoledgments to the people who helped you.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  9. void GetVersion(char * version)
  10. This function returns a string containing the version of the plugin. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 charactes including the terminating NULL character.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  11. void GetAuthorName(char * name)
  12. This function returns the name of the author of the plugin. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 charactes including the terminating NULL character. This string MAY contain the author's email if GetAuthorEmail() is not defined.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  13. unsigned int GetTypes()
  14. This function returns the number of different action types this plugin contains. This SHOULD be greater than 0 (why would a plugin return 0 anyway ?) and will usually be 1.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  15. int GetTypeId(int typeNumber)
  16. This function returns the type ID for the given type indicated by a sequence number.
    This function will be called sequentially after a call to GetTypes() to discover all the type IDs a plugin proposes. The sequence will go from 0 to GetTypes()-1. However, if typeNumber is greater than GetTypes()-1, this function MUST return -1 to indicate an error.
    Your plugin can return any value it wants as an ID but all the IDs MUST be unique within the plugin. You MAY choose to return the sequence number as it is clearly the easiest solution.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  17. void GetTypeTitle(int typeId, char * title)
  18. This function MUST fill the given string with the title of the given type. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters, including the trailing null character.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  19. void GetTypeDescription(int typeId, char * description)
  20. This function MUST fill the given string with the description of the given type the plugin proposes. The string MUST NOT be longer than 65535 characters, including the trailing null character.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  21. int CreateAction(int typeId)
  22. This function creates an action of the given type and returns its Id. The returned Id MUST be unique within the plugin and will be used by other functions to refer to that particular action.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  23. void DestroyAction(int actionId)
  24. This function tells the plugin to destroy the given action . This is when you MUST wake up and delete any thread you might have created when the action was itself created. Indeed, deleting the thread upon unloading of the DLL is unsafe and MUST NOT be done. The main program will ensure that the calls to DestroyAction are done before unloading the DLL, thus avoiding any problem.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  25. bool LoadActionFromXML(int actionId, char * node)
  26. This function loads the properties of the indicated action from the given XML node represented as a null terminated string. Only the action properties specific to the plugin are required to be loaded. For instance, the name SHOULD NOT not be loaded, unless the plugin needs it for its internal processing. However, keep in mind that any change to the non specific properties will not be passed along to the action. The return value MUST indicate if the loading was successful.
    Introduced in version 0.1 - Modified in version 0.2

  27. void SaveActionToXML(int actionId, char * node)
  28. This function saves the properties of the indicated action into the given XML node. ONLY the properties that are specific to the plugin MUST be saved. All the other ones that the plugin might have loaded when LoadActionFromXML() was called will be discarded. It is recommended to store properties as attributes to the given node, unless they require a specific structure. The returned null terminated string must not be longer than 524288 bytes (512k) including the trailing null character. It MUST be well formed XML but MUST NOT include any character codeset definition (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> for instance)
    Introduced in version 0.1 - Modified in version 0.2

  29. bool WillActionFinish(int actionId)
  30. This function MUST return false if the action is not meant to stop by itself after it has performed its mission. Else, it MUST return true.
    For instance, a TCP port redirection action never finishes and returns false, whereas an application launching action is finished when the action is launched and thus returns true (when the action goes back to an inactive state by itself, it MUST call the callback function passed to Initialize()).
    Introduced in version 0.1

  31. void SetActionActive(int actionId, bool active)
  32. This function sets the active state of the given action. If active is true, it MUST start the action mission. If active is false, it MUST stop what the action is doing.
    If the action is already active, calling this function again with active set to true MUST NOT do anything.
    If the action is already inactive, calling this function again with active set to false MUST NOT do anything.
    In both cases, the callback passed to Initialize() MUST NOT be called.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  33. bool GetActionActive(int actionId)
  34. This function MUST return true if the given action is active, false otherwise
    Introduced in version 0.1

  35. HWND DisplayActionProperties(int actionId, HWND parent, RECT * area)
  36. This function MUST display in the given parent window a set of controls that will give the opportunity to the user to change the values for the given action.
    This function MUST return the handle to the control containing all the controls required to edit the values.
    Before display, the plugin MUST update the content of the controls with the latest values.
    The controls MUST be displayed within the given area of the parent window. Upon return, the values of area must have been updated to indicate the minimum area requires for the controls to be displayed correctly. You SHOULD set top and left to 0, right to the minimum width and bottom to the minimum height. The size of the area MAY change but will never be smaller than the returned value. The control which handle was returned will receive resizing messages stating the new size of the parent. In Delphi 6, you MAY use a TFame descendant to contain your editing controls (see the examples). 
    The controls that are displayed are meant to change the properties specific to the action, not the generic ones like the name. You MUST NOT provide controls to change generic properties as all changes will be discarded.
    If parent is set to NULL, then the plugin MUST consider that the controls have no parents, are not shown and that the previous parent is no longer valid.
    Introduced in version 0.1

Optional functions

  1. void GetIcon(HDC dc)
  2. This function MUST draw in the given device context (refer to Win32 API documentation  for the definition of a device context) a picture that will be used as an icon to display the plugin in the 'Plugins' dialog. The picture MUST be rendered on a white background and MUST be 16x16 pixels.
    If this function is not implemented, a standard icon representing the idea of a plugin will be used.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  3. void GetTypeIcon(int typeId, HDC dc)
  4. This function MUST draw in the given device context (refer to Win32 API documentation  for the definition of a device context) a picture that will be used as an icon to display the type identified by typeId in the 'Add an action' dialog. The picture MUST be rendered on a white background and MUST be 16x16 pixels.
    If this function is not implemented, the icon returned by GetIcon() will be used. If GetIcon() is not defined, a standard icon representing the idea of a plugin will be used.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  5. void GetActionIcon(int actionId, HDC dc)
  6. This function MUST draw in the given device context (refer to Win32 API documentation for the definition of a device context) a picture that will be used as an icon to display the indicated action in the action list. The picture MUST be rendered on a white background and MUST be 16x16 pixels.
    If this function is not implemented, the icon returned by GetTypeIcon() will be used. If GetTypeIcon() is not defined, the icon returned by GetIcon() will be used. If GetIcon() is not defined, a standard icon representing the idea of a plugin will be used
    Introduced in version 0.1

  7. void GetAuthorEmail(char * email)
  8. This functions returns the email of the author of the plugin. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters including the terminating NULL character.
    If this function is not defined, the author's email will show up as 'not specified' and will not link to anything.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  9. void GetDefaultActionName(int typeId, char * name)
  10. This functions returns the default name for actions of the given type. The string MUST NOT be longer than 255 characters including the terminating NULL character.
    If this function is not defined, the default action name for the given type will be its title.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  11. void GetActionHint(int actionId, char * hint)
  12. This functions returns a hint to be added to the hint displayed when the user leaves the mouse long enough on the icon in the notification area. The hint will be added on a line of its own and SHOULD NOT be longer than 30 characters and MUST NOT be longer than 128 characters including the trailing null character.
    If this function is not defined, no line will be added to the hint for this action.
    Introduced in version 0.1

  13. void UseLanguage(char * code)
  14. This functions tells the plugin that the current language has changed in the application. If the plugin supports multiple languages, it SHOULD use the one indicated. The code is an ISO code as used by GNU gettext. If the given language is not supported or the plugin doesn't support multiple languages, it SHOULD default to English (en).
    If this function is not defined, the plugin will not be informed of language changes and SHOULD use English (en).
    Introduced in version 0.1


Changed LoadFromXML and SaveToXML to use a null terminated string instead. Plugins respecting version 0.1 will not work and will be rejected
Added DestroyAction, shouldn't affect anyone
2003-05-13 Initial release of the specifications